CNVC Steering Committee

The Steering Committee is not currently operational. However, the intention is to re-establish the Committee to carry out its role of providing executive level administrative oversight for the project, including fundraising and marketing.
People who have served on the Committee in the past include:
Steve Curtis, Co-Chair
former Executive Director, NatureServe Canada
Bill Meades, Co-Chair
former Director, Forest Ecology
Natural Resources Canada, Canadian Forest Service
Ken Baldwin
Forest Ecologist, Great Lakes Forestry Centre
Natural Resources Canada, Canadian Forest Service
Don Faber-Langendoen
Senior Ecologist, NatureServe
Andrew Harcombe
former Manager, Conservation Data Centre, Terrestrial Information Branch
B.C. Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management
Donald McLennan
Head – Monitoring Science
Canadian High Arctic Research Station
Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada
R.A. Lautenschlager
Executive Director, Atlantic Canada Conservation Data Centre
Ole Hendrickson
former Science Advisor, Biodiversity Convention Office, Environment Canada