Abstract for CNVC00205

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Picea mariana / Kalmia angustifolia – Rhododendron canadense / Cladina spp.

Black Spruce / Sheep Laurel – Rhodora / Reindeer Lichens
Épinette noire / Kalmia à feuilles étroites – Rhododendron du Canada / Cladonies

CNVC00205 is a boreal coniferous woodland Association that is unique to central Newfoundland. It has an open tree layer dominated by black spruce (Picea mariana), sometimes with tamarack (Larix laricina), and a dense shrub layer dominated by ericaceous species, especially sheep laurel (Kalmia angustifolia), with lower abundance of early lowbush blueberry (Vaccinium angustifolium), rhodora (Rhododendron canadense) and common Labrador tea (R. groenlandicum). Black spruce is usually present in the shrub layer, and green alder (Alnus viridis) can be abundant when present. The herb layer is virtually nonexistent. The moss and lichen layer is continuous and dominated by reindeer lichens (Cladina mitis, C. stellaris, C. rangiferina), clad lichens (Cladonia spp.) and Easter foam lichen (Stereocaulon paschale). CNVC00205 occurs in central Newfoundland, where the climate is the driest and most continental on the island. It is restricted to dry, nutrient-poor sites; these are among the poorest sites capable of supporting tree-dominated vegetation in the region. These edaphic conditions maintain a woodland structure, and stands will not develop into a closed forest even at maturity.
