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Currently, the distribution of CNVC Associations is described for Canada only. Following correlation with Associations in other countries, those countries will be noted where equivalencies exist.
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Provinces / Territories / States

A list of the provinces and/or territories with occurrences of the Association attributable to plot records incorporated in the factsheet description. Following correlation with Associations from other countries, where equivalencies exist, the distributions will note the sub-national jurisdictions of those other countries.
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Terrestrial Ecozones and Ecoregions of Canada

A list of the ecozones and ecoregions with occurrences of the Association attributable to plot records incorporated in the factsheet description. The syntax is as follows: Ecozone1: EcoregionA, EcoregionB, …; Ecozone2: EcoregionC, …

For information on Canada’s ecozones and ecoregions see: Environment Canada and Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. 1999. A national ecological framework for Canada. Available:
For information on forest ecosystem mapping in Canada, see:
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Rowe’s Forest Regions and Sections of Canada

A list of Rowe’s forest regions and sections with occurrences of the Association attributable to plot records incorporated in the factsheet description. The syntax is as follows: Forest Region1: Forest SectionA, Forest SectionB, …; Forest Region2: Forest SectionC, …
Rowe, J.S. 1972. Forest Regions of Canada. Canadian Forestry Service Publication No. 1300, Publishing Division, Information Canada.
A map of the regions and information are available:
For information on forest ecosystem mapping in Canada, see:
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NAAEC CEC Ecoregions of North America (Level I & II)

A list of the Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC) North American level I and level II ecological regions with known occurrences of the Association attributable to plot records incorporated in the factsheet description.
Commission for Environmental Cooperation. 1997. Ecological regions of North America, toward a common perspective. 71 p. ISBN 2-922305-18-X. Available:
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Nature Conservancy of Canada Ecoregions

List of Nature Conservancy of Canada ecoregions with known occurrences of the Association attributable to plot records incorporated in the factsheet description.

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Provincial / Territorial Ecological Regions

A list of provincial / territorial biogeoclimatic zones / subzones (or equivalents) or ecodistricts / ecosections (or equivalents) with known occurrences of the Association attributable to plot records incorporated in the factsheet description. This information is only available for provinces / territories with formal biogeoclimatic or ecological land classifications.

Yukon Territory

British Columbia Biogeoclimatic Ecosystem Classification (BEC)

British Columbia Ecoregion Classification

Alberta Natural Regions and Subregions

Ecozones and Ecoregions of Saskatchewan

Ecozones and Ecoregions of Manitoba

Manitoba Protected Areas Initiative Natural Regions

Ecoregions and Ecodistricts of Ontario
(For Ecodistricts, see page 4 of the Ecozone and Ecoregion document).

Bioclimatic Domains and Subdomains of Québec

Natural Provinces of Quebéc

Ecological Land Classification of New Brunswick (ecoregions)
The Ecosystem Classification Working Group. 2003.  Our Landscape Heritage: The Story of Ecological Land Classification in New Brunswick (draft). Department of Natural Resources and Energy, Province of New Brunswick. ISBN: 1-55236-220-5. CD-Rom document.

Ecological Land Classification of Nova Scotia (ecozone and ecoregions)

Ecozones and Ecoregions of Newfoundland

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Corresponding Types and Associations

A list of the provincial / territorial community-scale classification units that have been incorporated in the CNVC Association factsheet description. These are the antecedent units that were input into the developmental analysis for the CNVC Associations, and deemed ecologically equivalent in conceiving each Association.  For provinces / territories that have developed associations within their jurisdictional classifications, a list of the provincial / territorial associations that are equivalent to the CNVC Association is provided.

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Distribution Map

Map of Canada depicting the distribution of plots used in the factsheet description.